Twist my arm to give a designer handbag review, why don’t you! I’ve always been a bag girl, and if asked where I like to splurge the most, it is 100% handbags. I feel bags have the transformative power to elevate the most simple outfit or pull a look together that lacks visual interest. Looking at my collection I don’t really see a pattern that points to my preferred style of bag, but obviously I do gravitate towards certain designers. I really try to diversify my collection when making a purchase, so I’m always evaluating what I have to see where I’m missing bags. As you can see from the above pic, I do buy quite a bit of color, which is fun, but I will say, black is always a good idea! Also, there are so many incredible indie brands and designers, that you should absolutely not feel obligated to only buy well known designer bags. I’ve purchased my fair share of bags from less known brands with impeccable quality and love them.

I’m going to review 5 random bags below, but feel free to DM me and questions about other bags I own.

Bottega Veneta Jodie – hands down one of my favorite bags ever. I own 3 sizes – the mini (styled here), teen (here), & small (here). The mini is a perfect evening bag. Doesn’t hold much, but love how it looks in the hand. The teen is a great size but cannot be worn on the shoulder. The small felt giant at first, but I LOVE her. Can be worn on the shoulder, the slouch the leather develops after a lot of wear is so stunning, and it holds a lot. You really cannot go wrong with any color in this bag. It’s great everyday bag & they have so many good colors right now.

Celine Triomphe shoulder bag – I found this color (light stone) in Portofino and immediately fell in love. The emblem is so classic and makes me feel like such a lady anytime I wear this bag. It’s on the smaller side but feel it’s a great event bag for day or night. I personally prefer the leather strap over the chain so it doesn’t feel too dressy. Here’s it on.

Prada Cleo bag – I was influenced to buy this bag by Courtney Grow and tbh I don’t find myself reaching for it too much. It might just be because white is pretty specific, but anytime I attempt to wear the bag I end up swapping it out for something else. I kind of wish I just got it in black since that would be easier to style into any outfit. The bag itself is beautiful and I love the shape, just think I messed up on the color choice.

Bottega Veneta The Pouch Clutch – I’m clearly a fan, as I have this bag in 4 colors. I love this bag in both the smooth leather and the woven. They each have a different vibe but equally obsessed with both. The mini to me is a waste of a bag. Far too tiny to fit anything, and I prefer other bags if it’s just for evening. The classic size is on the larger side, but looks so effortless when you’re holding it, as seen with this look. Even though I find this bag to be slightly dressy, I love bringing it out in a fun pop color for daytime, like this.

YSL Le Anne-Marie shoulder bag – this is a newer bag for me and it’s so good. The dainty strap, glossy body, shape, and obscure logo makes it the perfect evening bag. I have it in size small in the espresso color and couldn’t love it more.

And yes, I already know what you’re thinking. What am I going to do with all of my Balenciaga bags?…Well, to be honest I don’t know. I still love the classic city bag and have no intention of getting rid of mine, but not currently reaching for them. I’ve always been a huge fan of the brand and how casual yet elevated their designs felt, but obviously hugely turned off by that scandal last year. For now they are just sitting pretty in my closet.

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